Today was one of those days that I knew was going to be hard, but was hoping would somehow surprise me. was frustrating...and a bit discouraging...but, on the up DID in fact, rain. (and yes, that WAS a good thing!...)
So...I have this garden, right. My Dear Friend and I have been working diligently since probably early February planting seeds, watering seeds, tilling (well, the boys did that part, but whatever...), raking and laying filter fabric on garden rows. Shopping for seeds to plant, planning, googling, documenting...this garden thing is quite the process. Now granted...both of us are a bit ADHD/ OCD. (not a fab combo when doing something you're clueless about). We tend to get supper excited about something (ie~ a garden), but really have NO CLUE how to do it. She is truly the most faithful friend on the planet, and she puts up with all kinds of mess from me! I can tend to be a bit bossy and know-it-all. But, when it comes to this garden thing, I'm not ashamed to say I'm COMPLETELY in the dark. O.k., so...we've started all our plants from seed. (cheaper, and just funner...) If you're interested, here's the run down on the plants we have put in the ground this year: watermelon, cantelope, jack o' lantern pumpkins, pumpkin pie pumpkins, yellow & white onions, snap peas, potatoes, carrots, lettuce of several varieties, spinach, soy beans (strange...right?...for Edemome)...(no clue how to spell that one...), ok...umm, oh yeah...wax beans, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (sweet, green, jalepeno, cayenne), squash, strawberries, a blackberry bush, 2 grape vines, 2 blueberry bushes, 2 cherry trees, & 2 apple trees...SHEWWW...
when i type it all out like that it just makes me tired!!
so, anyhow...we've got these pumpkin and squash plants growing like crazy! they're looking awesome, then all of a sudden one just withers up and dies...kicks the bucket with NO warning...
We do a little googling, and discover it's the "squash bug". Yeah...who knew...we sure didn't!
So, now we have to not only attempt to kill ALL the adult bugs, but scrape off the eggs from the leaves of our "squash type" plants. yeah...that's happening...or we're gonna loose them all. we're talking maybe 20 plants give or take. so, we're sitting out there in the garden in the sweltering heat of today, (did I mention it was like 100* in Tidewater toady?) killing bugs and scraping eggs...trying to salvage these plants that we have planted from seed, nursed to maturity, and watered and fed to be healthy, thriving plants. The ONLY redeeming fact about this process was the fab company and great conversation.
The whole time we're working, we're keeping our eye to the sky. It was supposed to rain today. I was praying! I mean, just a simple, for real prayer. "Lord, please bring the rain".
Sometimes we need the thing that most people want to keep at bay. Sometimes we need the thing WE want kept at bay. How many times have YOU prayed for the rain to stay away...hold off for just a little while...come again another day...
As we stood there, outside my mud porch, looking westward...all I could do when I saw the black clouds approaching, and heard the thunder rumbling in the distance was smile inside and shout to the heavens "BRING IT!!".
And as I stood there, on the leading edge of the storm, feeling the change in the weather, feeling the change coming in my bones, breathing in the cool, stormy air, I knew that the storm had to come. And it was for our good. And isn't that just life...we all have things, people, careers...whatever...that we have given life, nursed, watched grow, fed & watered just so, and all goes very wrong.
I wondered today as I was sitting there in the heat of the day, attempting to salvage all our hard work, if Jesus doesn't look at us that way sometimes. He's done the work. He's given us life. He's put people in our paths to feed us and encourage us to maturity. Then out of the blue, we're so far from where He intended us to be. We chose it, but He allows it. (go figure THAT one) How many times has He looked to the Heavens and just prayed "Father, bring the rain. she'll be ok. it's for her good. there will be new growth after the clouds pass, and the water had sunk deep down in, and her soul is revived. I've scraped off all the bugs, and destroyed the root of her pain.. she's gonna make it...just please...bring the rain."
Light at the End of the Tunnel...yes, there is...
So, gardening 101...don't let the squash bug infest your plants. kill every last one of the little buggers when you first see them! And don't be afraid to pray for rain.
I'm off tomorrow to the beach to do a little picture taking. Something else I love!
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